About us

Our family lives in Mombello from several generations. This is “our place”, we are deeply rooted in our territory and probably we wouldn’t be able to live away from here. In 1987 Roberto, a winemaker graduate from Alba, started La Cantinetta, a small family business with a ambitious goal of producing excellent wines from local vineyards through modern means but without losing the special link with old traditions.
Involved with the daily operation is Donatella, wife of Roberto which takes care of all the financial aspect of our business, our daughter Francesca is a student at the local High School, an important part of our family are the grandparents Giulio and Teresa, a tireless and valuable contributors to the daily operation.
If you’ll be our guest, almost certainly you will also meet Trilly, our super spoiled cat, sometimes a bit capricious but definitely nice.


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